J&R Builders are members of the New Zealand Certified Builders Association. This means if you build or renovate with us in the Far North, you'll be covered by Halo – the most comprehensive 10 year residential building guarantee on the market.

Halo 10 year residential guarantee insurance provides maximum peace of mind for home owners, covering:
Loss of deposits if builder doesn't start the building work
Losses if the builder starts but doesn't complete building work
10 year cover for the full contract price, for structural defects including weather tightness issues, once building works have been completed.
10 year cover for the full contract price, for non-structural defects once the building works have been completed.
So, if your thinking about building or renovating in Northland's Far North and you want guaranteed peace of mind, call our friendly team for an obligation free chat on 09 406 1123. If email is more your thing, drop us a line at admin@jandrbuilders.co.nz.